Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Nature of Information II

The Nature of Information II

George Hrabovsky


The previous article was concerned primary with a sequences of events that were mutually exclusive. What happens when more than one such sequence, or scheme, are combined?

Combining Schemes—Mutually Independent Sets

Let’s say that we have two finite schemes,
Say that the propbability of the joint occurence of events

This property is called a mutually independent probability. In fact the set of events
forms another finite scheme. The entropy for such a scheme is,

Combining Schemes—Mutually Dependent Sets

So what if A and B are not mutually independent? Here we say that the probability of event
of the scheme B occurs assuming that event
occurs from scheme A is
This gives us the scheme
with entropy
It turns out that
is a random variable called the expectation of H(B) in the scheme A. It is also written

What does It all Mean?

The amount of information delivered by a scheme never decreases unless a another scheme is realized beforehand.

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